Monday, March 26, 2012

Saving from v 11 to v 8.5

This is a very basic question, but I've created a report for a client in v11 and they are only running 8.5. I can't see any option in the Save As... or elsewhere that would explain how to save to an earlier version.
Can someone help please?
KyleAs far as I know, You can't do that...

But... try Exporting the report and look for a Crystal Reports 8.5 Format|||Thanks for that tip. There is an option to export to Crystal, but not sure if that means that it then can be read by earlier versions. Will check.|||There is a fundamental difference between 11 and 8.5. CR 9 is the oldest version which will work with 11. We have a maintenance agreement and we had Business Objects open up a case for us on this.

Basically we are out of luck.

8.5 simply will not open saved in 11.sql

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