Monday, March 12, 2012

Save file when report is run

Is it possible to save a report as a CSV when the report is run without the user having to export the file? I need to save the report to a server location without the end user having to specify where.

It sounds like you may be able to do what you require with a Subscription utilizing File Share Delivery:

Larry Smithmier|||Not exactly. The CSV file needs to be created whenever the user runs the report. That will be at random times.|||

Then how about extending SSRS with a Custom Rendering Extension that renders the CSV and saves it to the file share? Here is information on creating a Rendering Extension:

This might be overkill, but I believe it will work.

Another option may be to use a stored procedure to retrieve the data and 'trick' SSRS into doing a subscription on the fly and dumping the CSV to your share when the report is run. I came accross this article by Jason Selburg which claims to allow you to build your own data driven subscriptions using Standard Edition:

and his follow up:

Larry Smithmier

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