Monday, March 12, 2012

save dr property to variable

how do you store a datareader propety to a variable? Below is my current code. I have already declared my connectionString and sqlComm objects, as well as the userName and such. I need to store the value from the dr to the variables, UserName, UserPass, and serverName. Thanks

Try sqlCon.Open() dr = sqlComm.ExecuteReaderWhile dr.Read userName = dr("uName").ToString LogInfo("userName = " & userName) userPass = dr("uPass").ToString LogInfo("userPass = " & userPass) serverName = dr("sName").ToString LogInfo("serverName = " & serverName)End While dr.Close()Catch obugAs Exception LogEvent("Credentials Error: " & obug.Message)Finally sqlCon.Close()End Try

You would set them exactly as you have done above (i.e. whilst inside the "dr.Read" while loop). Are you saying this doesn't work? If so, have you stepped through your code to see what is happening?



How many rows do you have in your table. If there is only one row and you want to store them into variables, its fine. However what if you have more than one rows? With each loop of your dr, your previous value in the variable will get lost.

Instead use a Generic List to store your values.

Checkthis sample.

Suprotim Agarwal



Got it to work. Since I had declared the variables as string, and did not fill them with anything, I was getting an error while trying to use the variables in some code after this dr object. Setting the variables to empty string resolved the errors:

Dim var AS String = ""

thanks for the responses.

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